Contemplations & Reflections (with Toni Matulis)
Maroon & Gold
Bloomsburg State College (PA) – December 9, 1966
With the end of the semester quickly approaching, we are not likely to give much thought to the mid-semester exams that are “over and done with.” Yet, a unique thing happened during that time of which many people are not aware. The night before the Biology 103 mid-term, the professors got together and had an open question-and-answer meeting in Sutliff Hall. Any student could walk in, stay as long as he wished, and leave when he wanted.
The Point Is…
Whether or not this conference significantly improved the scores of the entire section we do not know. But we don’t think that this is really the point. The fact is that this gathering of students and professors was a step toward a more progressive college.
Although Bloomsburg is growing, it is still a relatively small school. However, it lacks communication and closeness with faculty—something which is supposed to be a benefit of a small college. Because of this, we believe that Bloomsburg lacks a stimulating intellectual atmosphere.
Should Not Be Exception
This is not meant to be a “blanket generalization” because there are exceptions. We are aware of many good faculty/student relationships. The fact remains that the desired end is the exception rather than the rule at Bloomsburg.
True many students have no desire to further their relationships with a professor outside of a classroom, and we’re certain that the reverse is also true. In addition, it would be impossible to achieve such a mutual bond between all students and their professors. Yet, the class must be supplemented if a student is to be motivated, and remain motivated.
A Big Step
The biology “seminar” was an important step. Other colleges often have such gettogethers. Bloomsburg does not. We need them. Not only did that evening help to reliever some of the tension and to answer questions before the exam, but such a thing is the making of a better college. We would like to see more of this type of free conference. Congratulations and a thank you to Mr. Himes, the innovator, and all the other biology professors who cared enough to give up some of their time for the benefit of their students.